Saturday 29 November 2014

Day 181 - Trip 3 of 3 - Extreme Cold Warning!

The last leg of our journey today.  Started out at -40 (with the wind) and thankfully got warmer as we got farther North.  Highway 63 was surprisingly good.  Roads were much better than the day before and people also drove a lot smarter!  I will take highway 63 over highway 2 andy day...  Finally, after 15 hours of driving over 3 days we are home!  Tomorrow we find some adventures in Fort McMurray!

Day 180 - Trip 2 of 3 - Highway 2 - never fun

Today we left Calgary early with hopes to make it all the way to Fort McMurray.  Highway 2 between Calgary and Edmonton had a different plan for us.  Blowing snow, no visibility and accidents everywhere around us.  Much better idea to stop for the night in Wetaskiwin...  besides there are more grandparents there to visit!

Before we left Calgary Harrison was reading his fancy new book.  The head on the cover twists back and forth when you pull on the tab....

Maybe he will like page two better!

Day 179 - Trip 1 of 3 - Crazy Mountain Weather

Today we start our journey back to McMurray... which is sure to be an adventure.

Yesterday a foot of snow fell, this morning it was pouring rain.  The roads were wet but ok until we made it to Crowsnest Pass.  Once we were through the pass the sky was blue, sun was shining and the temperature made it up to ten degrees!  Within 100ft of ten degree weather it dipped back down to  -2 and a blizzard...  Crazy how quickly the weather changes out here!

We made it safe and sound to Calgary, excited to visit with Grandma and Grandpa and meet Bennett. The roads were getting real bad, real fast, so we ended up staying in Calgary rather than continuing on to Wetaskiwin. 

It was well worth staying the night as we finally got to meet Bennett... and he is perfect!  Our first nephew, so exciting.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 178 - Welcome Bennett Hugh Mason!

Look at this adorable little guy...  Bennett Hugh Mason
Born today, Nov. 26th at 5:14pm.  7 pounds, 6 ounces.

Can't wait to see him tomorrow.
Congratulations Chris and Carmen!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Day 177 - Bon Voyage Elkford

Today we went for a walk around Elkford... starting to get a bit nostalgic.  Only two more sleeps before we head back North.

Good news though, our little nephew is on his way!  Hopefully everything goes well and if so, we will be able to say hello in Calgary on Thursday.

The deer are never far away out here... these two enjoyed watching us walk by

Back at the condo Harrison insisted on walking (crawling) down the hallway himself.  (He stopped at Grandma and Grandpa's to see if they were home)

Soon he found his way

Very excited to be a free man

A little mischievous don't you think

This door?

I'm exhausted... take me home!

Monday 24 November 2014

Day 176 - Harrison's first x-country skiing trip

There's no better way to celebrate being 11 months old than taking your first x-country ski trip!
Thankfully enough snow has fallen for us to use the skis we lugged out here... so we rigged up a little concoction with a belt and a dog leash to pull Harrison's sled and off we went.

All smiles at the start of the trip!

Soon the smiles turned into a bit of struggle :)

Harrison was very happy to get to the top of the hill and take a break

So warm, cozy and happy

Seemed like a great place for a family photo op.

Very excited when he heard mom was going to be pulling him next

Emily was much better than I was...

For the record... it was all downhill on the way back

Beautiful place for a ski trip!

Emily and Harrison got to have lots of fun on the hill I struggled with :)

Sunday 23 November 2014

Day 175 - Bushwackers!

Harrison loves being chased in the condo.  Every time you peak around the corner, he has the biggest grin before turning around and crawling like a mad man the other way...  always makes for a very exciting morning!

Too much snow to get around very well yesterday.  So today we took out the snowshoes and headed into the bush on the edge of town.  After a bit of bushwhacking we finally found our way through the bush and back to the condo.  Harrison loved it - he even told us - best 11 month birthday ever!

Day 174 - A little bit of fun in our own backyard

Today we ventured out behind the condo.  It was quite the climb but eventually we made it to to the top.  Up top it was too cold to make a snowman, so we just did some exploring and took some pictures.  Not bad for our own backyard!

Harrison sang the whole way up the mountain

Mom wanted a picture with Harrison

So did dad (doesn't Harrison look excited)

Even Vinnie sat still for a photo

Miles of forest and mountains back behind the condo

Vinnie ended up with some very nice boots!

Friday 21 November 2014

Day 173 - Jack Frost

Harrison doesn't like green mush.  Must be the teeth.  (If you look close you can see the bottom two teeth popping through :)

We made it to the Fernie Aquatic Centre today to try out the pool.  Not much different than Elkford's...  and they definitely don't have toonie swim!

Since it was raining in Fernie we headed back to Elkford for the afternoon.  While the weather has been very nice it sure does get cold when the sun goes down behind the mountains!  We walked from the Elk River to a nice little quad trail on the far side of Boivin Creek.  Very frosty... but also very nice.

Day 172 - Fire and Ice

We made it down to the "dried up riverbed" today for a fire and marshmallows.  The fire took a while to get going, but once it did, the marshmallows were delicious!

Harrison loved being able to crawl around in the snow, licking everything he could find.  The rocks were his favourite.  Very weird child... at least he didn't eat as many sticks as Vinnie!  We got the occasional dirty look when we tried to slow him down, but I assure you it was for his own good.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Day 171 - Dad's turn to watch the baby

With two teeth peeking out of Harrison's gums he can be... moody at times. Today he was very happy, "Harrison no hitting" only had to be said a couple of times.

The Polar Vortex and its cold weather finally seem to be leaving. I enjoyed the warmer weather with a run and a workout. I returned home to this. What a disaster!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Day 170 - Happy Birthday Aunt Vanessa

What could be better to celebrate your 21st birthday then a blog post just for you.  Happy Birthday Aunt Vanessa!  (Yup... still on a budget :)

Out in Elkford, we chose to celebrate for you with afternoon beers and putting together a poem.  (Thanks to all the children's books we now know how to rhyme)

On this day, not long ago
First a head, then finally a toe

A proud mother, her first child
Will she be quiet, crazy or wild

A bit of everything, in this one
Always caring, witty and fun

Watching over her siblings, Emily and Lucas
A beautiful young girl, and the boy they call Pucas

A bright young mind, so clever you see
She even taught, her cousins to pee

Learned how to move, then how to fly
Travel the world, adventures ran high

Over the summer, her dreams came true
They walked down the aisle, he said I do

Now too busy, to text Ramona
Going to school, out in Kelowna

Studying so hard, to become a great teacher
All those students, excited to meet her

A day to celebrate, everything you've done
All the accomplishments, many more to come

Before we get, to carried away
Theres only one more, thing to say
Aunty Vanessa, Happy Birthday!

Love Emily, Trent, Harrison and Vinnie

Day 169 - Boys and their bubbles!

We just couldn't leave Canmore without getting the boys in the bathtub together!

Owen was a bit bothered at times that someone was ruining his nice, calm bath but for the most part loved having someone to play with in the tub!  Harrison was crazy, as always, and Owen played nicely.  They both left the tub cleaner than when we began.  Success!

Great visit to Canmore.  Thanks Geoff, Natalie and Owen for sharing your home with us!