Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day 1 - Parental Leave

Emily wanted a mountain baby…

Today marks the first day of 7 months off.
As soon as Emily and I found out that we were expecting, plans started towards taking Parental Leave so that we could both enjoy watching Harrison grow.  Emily’s family conveniently has two condos in the mountains of Elkford, BC.  So, we decided that Elkford would be home. 

As we prepared for 7 glorious months off of work together we started to get excited about all those things that we never had the time to do, or even thought of doing before.  A blog was one of the things on the list.

Back in March in the Broadway district of Saskatoon a man yelled at Emily and I while walking with Harrison, “TAKE MORE PICTURES!”, then referring to his son in Vancouver that grew up to fast and now never calls. Smiling and nodding, we walked past and thought; that’s some very good advice!  (Also hoping that his son calls soon)

Over the next 203 days we will try to capture the joys of watching Harrison grow and all the adventures we get up to through this blog.  Please don't mind out amateur photography skills and sub par writing :).


Harrison enjoying the view after a long hike to the top of Wapiti ski hill in Elkford.

1 comment:

  1. Trent- This is awesome! I love the concept. You guys are now part of my morning coffee routine (aka saved to the tool bar). xo
