Friday 8 August 2014

Day 68 - A day at the spa

We have been so busy lately, we decided on a day at the spa.  For Vinnie that is.

There was a cancellation at a dog groomer in Crowsnest Pass so we were able to sneak Vinnie in for a  hair cut.  Good thing too, as he was very smelly.  He looks so clean now and is quite proud of his new hair cut.  (Yes, he's wearing a bow tie... don't judge)

While Vinnie was being pampered we decided to check out Frank's Slide.  Frank's Slide is the location of a rockslide in 1903 that covered the town of Frank killing approximately 100 people.  Very tragic but also quite intriguing.  Rocks moved up to 120km/hour in the slide, traveled up to 3km and covered 3 square km's.  The highway through Crowsnest pass was cleared off and the rest is just a big pile of rocks on top of an old mining town.

You can see where the rocks slid off of Turtle mountain.  If you look closely you can see the highway on the bottom right hand side of the picture.

Emily and Harrison did some rock climbing.

Rocks as far as the eyes can see.

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